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We would like to invite you to our first Migrants’ Maternal Health Conference 2024!



When: 11th of November 2024, 10am-4:30pm

Where: Central London

Tickets: General public- £20, Students- £10, Free for experts by experience



Call for Abstracts: Migrants’ Maternal Health and Early Childhood Health Research


We invite researchers, practitioners, policymakers and experts by experience to submit abstracts for presentation at the upcoming Migrants’ Maternal Health and Early Childhood Research Conference 2024. This conference aims to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and innovative practices to improve the health outcomes of migrant mothers and infants. We welcome submissions that address migrant maternal and early childhood health, including but not limited to:


– Perinatal care

– Maternal mental health

– Infant and child health and development 

– Health disparities and equity

– Public health interventions and policies

– Technological advancements 

– Community health and advocacy

– Global health perspectives and case studies


Abstracts should present original research, evidence-based practices, or policy analyses that contribute to the advancement of migrant maternal and infant health. Submissions will be evaluated based on their relevance, originality, methodological rigor, and potential impact on the field. Accepted abstracts will be featured in oral or electronic poster presentations (at least 5 mins to present them), providing an opportunity for authors to engage with an interdisciplinary audience of professionals dedicated to improving migrant maternal and early childhood health outcomes.


Submission Guidelines:


– Abstracts must be submitted by 31st August 2024

– Abstracts should not exceed 250 words

– Include title, background, aims, methods, results and conclusions, authors, and affiliations.

– Indicate preference for oral or electronic poster presentation

– Submissions should be submitted to: [email protected] 

– If an abstract is accepted, the presenting author(s) must attend the conference to present. The presenting author will be required to register for the conference by 27th September 2024, in order to have the abstract acceptance confirmed 

– All abstracts must be submitted in English 

– Specify all abbreviations in full at the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Use the abbreviation thereafter

– Check abstract thoroughly for spelling and grammar errors

– Do not include references


Important deadlines and dates:​

  • Abstract call to open – 5th July  2024
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 31st August 2024
  • Outcome for abstract submissions: 13th September 2024
  • Deadline for presenters to confirm attendance – 27th September 2024


We encourage submissions from diverse geographical regions and sectors, aiming to create a comprehensive dialogue on maternal and early childhood health challenges and solutions. Join us in advancing the health and well-being of migrant mothers and infants.


For more information, contact [email protected] and they will aim to resolve any queries. 


We look forward to your contributions and to a dynamic and impactful conference.



Follow us on social media!    #MigrantsMaternalHealthConference24

Maternity Stream of the City of Sanctuary
